March 8, 1912

Vol. XXI No. 44


Daniel Luke was one of the Pioneers of Irwin County. His children were: Mack, Joshua, Jasper, John, Jesse, James C., David P., Mary and Elizabeth.

Mack married Sally Miller. Their children were: John B., who died in the war; William married Miss Tucker: Jane, who married John B. Turner; Sarah, who married Sol. Griffin; Honor, who married Jack Griner; Jim, who married Melissa Avera; Dave, who married Miss Sutton and Malcolm, who married Miss Musselwhite.

Joshua Luke, son of old Dan, married Nancy Tomberlin. Their children were: William, who married Martha Mims (he died in the war); Thomas, who married Fanny Plair (also died in the war); Hamilton, who died in the war; Jim, who married Faithy Paulk, he died; Columbus, who married Sarah Paulk, daughter of Jim; J.Wright, who never married; Jacob , who married Mary Lee; and Betty, she married James Hunter.

Of the children of Columbus and Sarah Luke, Co., T.J. married Miss Ollie Wooten; Susannah married J. Fountain; Wright died; Betsy and Dan.

Jasper, son of Dan, married Miss Gay, their children were: Dan and John.

James C., son of Dan, married Melinda Covington. Their children were: Marcus, John F., Betty, Sally and Mary.

Marcus married Mary Hancock. She died, leaving Dr. John, who married Miss Henderson, daughter of William, and Jesse, who married Willie Fletcher; who died; he next married Miss Taylor. Marcus' second wife was Miss Betty Salter.

John F., son of James C. , married Jesse Hancock. They moved to Florida. They were parents of Marcus, Jr., who married Bertha Bass, daughter of Col. Z. Bass. He was Clerk of Superior court of Irwin county for several years.

Eugene, brother of Marcus, is single. He was assistant Clerk for many years.

Jesse Luke, son of Dan, married Gincey, daughter of Joseph Fletcher. Their children were: George A., Mark, William, John J. , Mary Vann, Mahala and Nancy.

George A., son of Jesse, married Nancy Marshall; she died, leaving one child, Martha, who married Henry Crawford. He next married Margaret Brooks; they parted. He then married Mrs. Nancy Cravey, widow of Mitchell Cravey, who was killed by Poplar Stick Bill Branch. Their children were: Judy, who married Jim Ray; Janey, Columbus, and Jonah, who are in Florida. George A. was a Confederate veteran. He died in Florida in 1903.

Mark, son of Jesse, married Ellen Paulk, daughter of Rev. Zara. Their children were: Dan, who married Minnie Parden. He was shot to death by Bud Royals, at Sycamore. William married Susie Alexander; Lucy married Bill Cravey; Warren married Miss Varnedoe; Richard not married; Dr. Jacob married Miss Baker, daughter of county commissioner J.W. Baker, of Tift; Nora married Mr. Hill; Dave, Dempsy and John, single.

William, son of Jesse Luke, died in the war.

John J., son of Jesse, married Fannie Player; their children were: William, Unie, who married W.H. Paulk, of Fitzgerald; and another daughter, who married Eli Walker.

Mary Vann, daughter of Jesse Luke, married Rev. Dan Parker, they moved to Florida.

Mahala, daughter of Jesse, married John Alexander. Their children were: John, Jim, who married Miss Alexander, and Henry, who married Mary Winn. She next married Louis Smith. She died, leaving Mary Vann, who married Joe McCartney.

Nancy, daughter of Jesse Luke, married Jeff Dees. They parted; she then married Rev. Wm. Butler. Their children were: Willie, who married Martha Sumner, daughter of Seaton; Warren, who married Ruby Spurlock; Sallie and Jane, single.

David P. Luke married Abbie Turner; she died. He next married Sarah Bird. Their children were: Arthur, John, Betty, and Perry.

Mary, daughter of old Dan Luke, married Sam Young.

Jesse Luke married Millie Fletcher, daughter of Black Jim.

Elizabeth, daughter of old Dan Luke, married Abraham McCall.

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Please take note that this information came from long ago and has not been corrected for accuracy. Many of these sketches have names transposed or just plain wrong information so use this as a starting point, not the final end to your research. THIS IS NOT AN ORIGINAL DOCUMENT. It is a summary of the genealogical findings of one man, Gus Adams, which were unsubstantiated and should be used as such. You can find much more info from the Irwin County pages of my website

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